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As a fit club member, you not only have access to effective workouts, but exclusive classes, as well!


Sign up for Fit Club, and you will receive a customized workout routine and access to weekly Fit Club member-only group workouts led by certified trainers.

The idea behind Fit Club fitness is getting the most bang for your buck...

Gone are the days of marathon workouts with light weights. Gone are the days of running to no end without seeing any results. These workouts are designed to spark your metabolism and boost your body’s fat burning ability!


The key to these workouts is heavy weight. That’s right, heavy. We are going to use these weights to reach our burnout threshold as quickly as possible. When you feel like you can’t go on anymore… rest! Yep, these workouts are going to encourage you to rest. Why? Because we want you to push as hard as you possibly can. That’s not realistic for an entire workout, so rest when you are gassed! We are moving away the paced-model of exercising, and into a high intensity interval training model. We will be working as hard as we can for short periods of time… We are going to push until we can’t, and rest until we can.


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